1 minute read

These are the basic text marking methods.

Markdown can’t understand line-break with simply pressing an enter key.

To change the line, “enter” has to be pressed twice at the end of line.

1. There are several highlight markings.

First, *single asterisks* 

Second, _single underscores_

Third, **double asterisks**

Fourth, __double underscores__

Fifth, ~~cancelline~~

First, single asterisks

Second, single underscores

Third, double asterisks

Fourth, double underscores

Fifth, cancelline

2. There is a lot of kinds of headings

# This is a H1
## This is a H2
### This is a H3
#### This is a H4
##### This is a H5
###### This is a H6
####### This is a H7
######## This is a H8 (Headings don't get smaller after H6)

This is a H1

This is a H2

This is a H3

This is a H4

This is a H5
This is a H6

####### This is a H7 ######## This is a H8 (Headings don’t get smaller after H6)

3. Quatations

> This is a blockqute.
> >This is a blockqute.
> >>This is a blockqute.
> >>>This is a blockqute.
> >>>>This is a blockqute.

This is a blockqute.

This is a blockqute.

This is a blockqute.

This is a blockqute.

This is a blockqute.

4. Sorting lists


1.Spring 2.Summer 3.Autumn 4.Winter

5. non-Sorting lists

* snack
	* ramen
		* candy
			* bicycle
				* umbrella
  • snack
    • ramen
      • candy
        • bicycle
          • umbrella
+ snack
	+ ramen
		+ candy
			+ bicycle
				+ umbrella
  • snack
    • ramen
      • candy
        • bicycle
          • umbrella
- snack
	- ramen
		- candy
			- bicycle
				- umbrella
  • snack
    • ramen
      • candy
        • bicycle
          • umbrella

6. Code quotations

fuction test() {
	console.log("notice the blank line before this function?");

fuction test() { console.log(“notice the blank line before this function?”);

7. Programming Language quotations

  • ruby
require 'redcarpet'
markdown = Redcarpet.new("Hello World!")
puts markdown.to_html
  • python
s = "python syntax highlighting"
print s

8. Horizontal Lines

* * *
- - -

linking examples


10. Tables

snacks prices counts
ramen 1$ 10
bread 2$ 20
snacks prices counts
ramen 1$ 10
bread 2$ 20



  1. 취미로 코딩하는 개발자

  2. 마크다운 markdown 작성법

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